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die Berater - Newsletter
New partnerships for the upcoming LLP Call 2012
Three recent EU projects coordinated by die Berater®
Projects on project management, networking and evaluation
MAKAM: your professional partner for research and analysis
New partnerships for the upcoming LLP Call 2012

Have you got any plans to submit a proposal for a Multilateral Project or Network in the approaching Call for Proposals of the Lifelong Learning Programme 2012?

die Berater®, a private education and training provider with more than 300 members of staff and around 50 branches all over Austria, has been involved in around 50 transnational projects in the past seven years.

We are always interested in bringing our expertise and experience into new project initiatives. Possible roles include
  • Development and piloting of educational products
  • Professional design and implementation of needs analysis phases but also transversal support with regard to
  • Project management
  • Evaluation of project, results, events, or learning outcomes
  • Dissemination
  • Exploitation of project results.
Some examples of our work in these domains are described below.

Moreover, die Berater® can assist you in finding suitable partners for your project. We cooperate in projects with more than 300 institutions in Europe and can reach out to more than 2500 education and training stakeholders. Through its international company group die Berater® can also bring along training providers (die Berater®), Human Resources consultancies (CATRO) and market research institutes (MAKAM) in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, and Bulgaria.

We are looking forward to cooperating with you.

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  Our company group:

die Berater®


MAKAM market research

Three recent EU projects coordinated by die Berater®

Three of our LLP projects are coming to an end this winter with European dissemination conferences:

The basic idea of HATTRICK is to reach young migrants through football clubs and to involve them in lifelong Learning activities thus improving their integration into society. As part of the project, training material for the development of social competences of young players and their football coaches has been developed and tested.

Socioeconomically disadvantaged adults are the most in need of health education, yet are the least likely to be reached by health offers. Health Box addresses this challenge. The project has developed and tested methodologies and learning materials that adult educators can immediately use in different training contexts where disadvantaged adults can be found for other than health education reasons.

In the project BOIT (Burnout Intervention Training), a partnership from across six countries (Austria, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Romania and England) developed a training concept, to inform and sensitise managers and team leaders to the challenges presented by Burnout, and to give them the skills to make the necessary changes to intercept Burnout at an early stage. Registration to the final BOIT conference in Göttingen, Germany, on 14 December 2011 is still possible at: www.burnoutintervention.eu

Information on the other EU projects of die Berater®: www.dieberater.eu/international/

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Health Box:

Projects on project management, networking and evaluation

die Berater® does not only participate in EU projects, but has acted as consultants to the European Commission and coordinated several projects which produced guidance publications for managing transnational projects and networks, most notably:
This expertise on transnational cooperation we can offer to new projects as project partner, consultant and internal or external project evaluator.

A special type of project evaluation can be provided by the REVEAL network of which we are a member. REVEAL provides LEVEL5, a unique validation approach for the informal and non-formal learning, which has been developed in several EU-funded projects and successfully applied in more than 40 learning projects. With LEVEL5 the competence development through participation in EU projects or the impact of your project’s products on the learners can be assessed and made visible with the help of 3D software.

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  Survival Kit for Lifelong  Learning Projects:
PDF Download

The Art of Networking. European Networks in education:
PDF Download

Resource Pack for Networkers:
PDF Download
MAKAM: your professional partner for research and analysis

MAKAM Market Research is specialised in quantitative and qualitative market and opinion research. As partner in publicly funded projects at national and EU level, MAKAM has been broadening its focus from pure market research to other areas.

As a partner or sub-contractor to LLP projects, MAKAM offers professional implementation of research or needs analysis tasks, reaching from the development of the investigation concept and the elaboration of the survey instruments (questionnaire, interview guideline) to the actual realisation of studies and subsequent data evaluation. The detailed interpretation of the results and a catalogue of recommendations serve as a reliable basis for decisions on the further development of project products.

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Ilona Reindl
Email: i.reindl@makam.at
Your Team from die Berater®

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die Berater - Newsletter
die Berater® Unternehmensberatungs GmbH, Wipplingerstraße 32/Top 23-25, 1010 Wien
Tel.: (+43 1) 532 45 45-0, Fax: (+43 1) 532 45 45-1145, E-Mail: office@dieberater.com, Web: www.dieberater.com